Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008


Guten Tag Herr Phillips,

vielen Dank für Ihren Auftrag. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse für o2 DSL.

Zu unserem Bedauern müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass wir diesen Auftrag aus internen Gründen nicht weiter bearbeiten können. Wir hoffen auf Ihr Verständnis und verbleiben

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Ihr o2 Team


Good day Mr Phillips,

many thanks for your application. We are pleased by your interest in o2 DSL.

Regrettably, we must share with you that we can no longer work on your application due to internal reasons. We hope you understand and remain

with friendly greetings

your o2 Team.


Understand? What am I supposed to understand exactly?

So German. So formal. So mystifying.

This reminds me of a word my friend Halley uses. When a German tells you you're doing the wrong thing, that something you thought was harmless is verboten, guess what? You just got Deutsch-slapped.

2 Kommentare:

  1. What does this mean!? It seems here that we are missing some vital information, namely what are you supposed to do next. Is this a letter indicating that you will NEVER get internet? They will no longer work on your application... until when?... indefinitely?
    I need to start using this tactic with students.
    "I regret to inform you that due to reasons I am not at liberty to discuss, I will no longer acknowledge your existence."
    I like it.

  2. Yes. It means I will never get the Internet. For unknown reasons that hopefully, I understand.
