Montag, 3. November 2008

New Podcast

I'm going to try to start posting podcasts every Monday.

Today, the gloves come off about German food, the French, and the metric system.

Something's a little weird about the sound quality this time; I hope it's not too distracting.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Slow there! No judging german food until you have tried a proper Sauerbraten or Schäuferle. Also, what about black bread? :) You mostly seem to base your judgement on fast food...

    Btw, inch (Zoll) is still something we use every now and then, namely with electronics. So you'd still understand your book, but wouldn't have to deal with sizes like 3/8 and 1/16th.

    What happened to the previous podcasts? Did you take them offline?

  2. Oh, one thing I remembered from the old podcast I wanted to comment on: You don't have to buy the course book! You should be able to get the same information from the university website for free.

  3. Of course you're right, Anton, it's much too soon and I'm much too ignorant to be dismissive of German cuisine.

    You've probably noticed that my blog is not really about being objective, it's about expressing what it feels like to move to a strange country. Thanks for keeping things in perspective. And thanks for the food tips!

    The old podcasts are gone, because I paid for a new podhosting service. The ones from here on out should remain, though.

  4. Yeah, you are right, I probably ranted more about Canadians than they deserved it when I first got here ;)

    I will however be able to put an end to my craving for german food and doener cause im flying to Berlin in Mid-December. :)

  5. You can talk about bad German food (fast or not) as much as you like! Curryworst and Livercheese are just the kind of things I'm interested in!

  6. Anton, you're coming to Berlin? I would love to meet you if you have any time. You can introduce me to some good German food!

  7. Yes, definitely. I'll get in touch with you when I'm there.
