Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2009


What would you get if you took a stadium full of rowdy, drunk, costumed football fanatics and put them in a small, dark room together?

Answer: Karneval.

The most interesting part of Karneval is so-called German party music.

You don't dance to German party music. You hop up and down. Or you form a circle with ten of your best buddies and sway from side to side in time to the music.

You're supposed to sing along, and they'll play the same songs multiple times throughout the night so by the end of the night you'll know all the songs even if you didn't when you came in.

Be careful. The following video is really loud.

Cologne is the big Karneval town in Germany, kind of like New Orleans is in the U.S. So a lot of the songs were about Cologne. For example, they changed the lyrics from "New York, New York" to be about Cologne.

My favorite song of the night was one called Wasser von Köln, a gospel ode to beer.


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