Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2008

Sausage Fest

If you want to call me, evidently you should dial 011 49 176 5230 8237. That worked for Rachel, whose voice I was overjoyed to hear.

Or you could send me text messages, which I also receive for free and are probably a lot cheaper for you.

For those of you who want to send me letters, DVDs or other lightweight distractions, my address is:

Celsiusstrasse 8
Apartment 81
12207 Berlin

Also, does anyone out there have any good recipes? I'm getting sick of stir-frying meat with onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes (although that's pretty lecker). Preferably things you can make with a few cheap ingredients using no more than a pan and three pots. I've got a stove and an oven, but no microwave, toaster, blender, or, you know, industrial mixer.

Oh yeah, and preferably things made with sausages, since that's the local specialty.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Bratwurst (I like Nuernberger style) go well with Rotkohl and Kartoffelpueree. Hardly any work, and you can find everything you need at Aldi. It's kind of a heavy meal though.

  2. Thanks! Bratwurst is delicious. I have been cooking it in a pan with olive oil. Is there a better way to do that?

  3. Hm, thats pretty much the standard way to prepare them. Apart from grilling them, but obviously thats more of an outdoor thing.
