Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

The Small Stuff

I was so proud of myself today. Why? Because I bought a sandwich!

It reminded me of the scene in The Princess Bride when Fezzik says to Westley (who's been mostly dead all day), "You just shook your head -- that doesn't make you happy?"

Still, I hope I've made it clear by now that in a foreign country, everything you do for the first time is daunting. That is, as the Germans say, aller Anfang ist schwer.

So when I decided to buy lunch today, I almost gave up.

You see, you can't just *buy lunch* at the FU cafeteria. Money is useless--they don't take it.

What they do take is the "Mensa Card".

First you buy the card. Then you fill it with money. Then you get your food. Then you pay for your food with the card. But of course, all four of these things have to happen in a different place.

I guess I'm finally getting a little bit of perspective. I decided lunch was not going to defeat me today.

My brilliant strategy was to walk around, watching what people were doing. It worked like a charm.

And the best part of the story is, I got lunch for only 1,70 Euro.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Horray for your success!
    Although your sandwich looks a little small... and your plate and napkin look a little small too. Germans must believe in moderation. Silly Germans.

  2. Hm, the last time i was at the FU mensa you were able to pay cash at a certain register. Students get their food cheaper than employees and visitors, so you'd have to get out your student card anyways ;)

    Mhm that sandwhich looks good though. I miss the bread over there.

  3. Mmmm princess bride references!

    Hey, don't be so hard on him. He's been mostly dead all day.
